-The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar X
-The Journey Home by Radhanath Swami
-The Bhagavad Gita: Introduced and Translated by Eknath Easwaran
-Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff
-Ramayana: A Tale of Gods and DemonsS by Ranchor Prime
-Shadows on the Path by Abdi Assadi
-The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda
-Yoga Mind, Body, and Spirit by Donna Fahri
-Teaching Yoga by Donna Fahru
-THe Breathing Book by Donna Fahri
-Be Love Now by Ram Dass
-To Know Yourself by Sri Swami Satchidananda
-Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
-It is Here Now, Are You by Bhagavan Das
-The Living Gita by Sri Swami Satchidananda
-Following Sound into Silence by Kailash
-The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga by Swami Vishnu Devananda
-Tending the Heart of Fire by Shiva Rea
-Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
-Light on Life by BKS Iyengar
-Light on Pranayama by BKS Iyengar
-Health, Healing, and Beyond by Desikachar
-American Tour 1970 by Swami Muktananda
-Yoga and Ayurveda by Dr. David Frawley
-Baba by Rampuri
-God Makes the Rivers Flow by Eknath Easwaren
-Yoga and Ayurveda by Dr. David Frawley
-Ayurveda and the Minfd by Dr. David Frawley
-Ayurveda, The Science of Self Healing by Vasant Lad
-The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Remedies by Vasant Lad
_Textbook of Ayurveda by Vasant Lad
-The Heart of Yoga by TKV Desikachar X
-The Journey Home by Radhanath Swami
-The Bhagavad Gita: Introduced and Translated by Eknath Easwaran
-Yoga Anatomy by Leslie Kaminoff
-Ramayana: A Tale of Gods and DemonsS by Ranchor Prime
-Shadows on the Path by Abdi Assadi
-The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Sri Swami Satchidananda
-Yoga Mind, Body, and Spirit by Donna Fahri
-Teaching Yoga by Donna Fahru
-THe Breathing Book by Donna Fahri
-Be Love Now by Ram Dass
-To Know Yourself by Sri Swami Satchidananda
-Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda
-It is Here Now, Are You by Bhagavan Das
-The Living Gita by Sri Swami Satchidananda
-Following Sound into Silence by Kailash
-The Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga by Swami Vishnu Devananda
-Tending the Heart of Fire by Shiva Rea
-Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar
-Light on Life by BKS Iyengar
-Light on Pranayama by BKS Iyengar
-Health, Healing, and Beyond by Desikachar
-American Tour 1970 by Swami Muktananda
-Yoga and Ayurveda by Dr. David Frawley
-Baba by Rampuri
-God Makes the Rivers Flow by Eknath Easwaren
-Yoga and Ayurveda by Dr. David Frawley
-Ayurveda and the Minfd by Dr. David Frawley
-Ayurveda, The Science of Self Healing by Vasant Lad
-The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Remedies by Vasant Lad
_Textbook of Ayurveda by Vasant Lad